The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet.
Entries in New York (73)

This is 70 Pine Street, which was built in competition with the Chrysler building in the skyscraper race.
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Posing in the Rain

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World Trade Center #1

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Urban Hogwarts

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The World Trade Center Transportation Hub that is under construction has slowly been assembled. The ultimate design which you can see in this link, looks somewhat like a giant bird with needle spines making up the wings.
Here is the last spine being lifted into place.
With a little bit of movement, half standing in the street, a new juxtaposition becomes possible.
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Fulton Center

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Solar Flare

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A River Cruise

A lunch cruise on a river boat on a beautiful Fall day to see the leaves turn. On this day, however, there were not many leaves yet ready to turn. So, we just enjoyed the ride, and the lunch, and a little bit of alcohol.
I hadn't recently seen the Upper West Side from this perspective. I was struck as to how consistent the buildings looked up here. Someone asked me if I made a composite and stitched together the buildings to look the same. But, they actually look like this. You can see the Henry Hudson Parkway skirting the Hudson River at the base of the buildings.
A little further south along the river is the Cruise Ship terminal. As busy as the river traffic is, there are large boats and the little boats sharing the space together.
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Madison Avenue

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One World Trade Center

One World Trade Center is still under construction, but it is the largest building in the US. When you approach it though, if you are too close, and just around a corner, it can't be scene. It hides behind other closer buildings. When you make the turn, then it is suddenly there.
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Tip of the Bridge

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Brooklyn Based

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Foggy Morn

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