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The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet. 

Entries from February 1, 2010 - February 28, 2010


Free Colonial Concert

Passing by the George Washington statue on Wall Street... it was the day after his birthday, not sure how old he would be now. 

These three colonial clad musicians were playing away, fife and drum songs.  People continued walking by oblivious to the effort these gentlemen put into this guest appearance.  I didn't have my regular camera, but I did have my iPhone, which was perfect for this shot.  It has an extreme wide angle camera on it.  It let me get the street, musicians and all of the statues in the one shot.  All it does make the players look rather tiny, as if they weren't even real.  But they were real.

This picture was the best, because of the complementary red shirts of the garbage men.  I also like the businessman on the cell phone. 



iPhone Photography - I had been hearing more about the art of taking pictures with an Apple iPhone.  As a matter of fact, this was one of the reasons that I decided to get an iPhone.  It's extremely convenient to flip it out, rather than lug around a large camera with a bag. 
At first, I had problems locating the shutter button, which is just a spot on the glass.  But, after a few weeks, I started to get the hang of it.  Some of the shots have turned out quite remarkable.  Here are some: