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The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet. 

Entries from October 1, 2013 - October 31, 2013


Statue of Halloween

To Liberty for All and the pursuit of Halloween.  

Statue of Halloween


The Bridge Behind

The Brooklyn Bridge sneaks up behind the deserted Fulton Fish Market.  This area is going to be redeveloped in the next few years along with South Street Seaport.  

The Bridge Behind


Last Light

As the days get shorter, the Fall light gets more dramatic and contrasty.  This first shot was taken at mid-day and is direct.  


But the light at the end of the day, which is around 6pm at this point as the clocks have not been pushed back yet, slips away grabbing little pieces of buildings.  

Last Light

Here's another one where just the tiny piece of light remains.  I found that I had called both pictures "Last Light".   I don't usually like to have identical names, but I will leave them with the explanation here.  

Last Light

This another example of the last light, as this window gate in the meatpacking district creates a gothic type of shadow.  

Window Gate Shadow



I look at this picture zoomed in close, and studied all the different angles and I just don't understand why the guy on the corner doesn't have a shadow.  The other two men have a very distinctive shadow.  I can understand that a little might be lost below the curb, but not like this.  I've had people ask if I photoshopped the shadow out, but what would be the point.  This guy just doesn't have a shadow.  I guess that means he won't see his shadow and it will be an early Spring.  



Multiple Looks

This building in Tribeca had the light hitting it in a certain way.  It gave me a number of different looks from pretty much the same location.  

Step CallMondrianUpstage


The Window Washer

Another one out of my office window, in the same direction as the Fly on the Wall from the day before.  

The Window Washer




While I was actively getting very few good pictures at the near by San Gennaro festival in Little Italy, I liked the composition here of the barriers against the brick wall.  Having someone walk by and parallel the A-Frame pieces was just darn luck.  So, for the unproductive time you put in, there is a occasionally a balancing productive bit of luck.  

Do Not Cross


Hot Dog Fetch

So, below is my photo "Hot Dog Fetch" taken a few years ago.  It's a somewhat charming picture that was made with a little bit of luck.  And, it's received a reasonable amount of views on my Flickr page since originally posted.       

Hot Dog Fetch

In the last few months, however, I've noticed that it was getting a LOT more traffic.  No doubt there has been adjustment in the way Flickr handles its statistics since my view count has gone up astronomically.  It might also be that their iPhone app makes it easier to view many pictures at once.  But besides that, I noticed that Flickr statistics report some interesting searches that have also driven up the count on this particular picture.  

For instance, the most popular search term among my hits pretty much every day is the word "Hot".  (I suspect this is also a top hit across all of Flickr.  I'm sure people are just searching for some type of photograph that conveys heat.  But the word can be used in many ways.  So, what do you know, that is one of the words in "Hot" Dog.   That's a hit.  

The second most frequent word that is reported in my feed is the word "Dog".  A lot of canine lovers out there.  And, that word doubles the hit on the title "Hot Dog" Fetch.  

So, as you can imagine, I'm very appreciative that people are searching for my art and finding it so effectively.  



This photograph could have been taken in the 1960s.  Since they were all dressed in black, I think it could be that they were attending a funeral.  But they were waiting for some time here,  hoping an available cab would pass by soon.  

Ladies in Waiting

Are they preparing for a race?  They were ready to take off, after their wait for the light to change was over.  

On Your Mark



The glass encasing the Vesey Street bridge crossing West Street has a certain geometric element to it.  It seemed like it might be the thoughts within the world of the dreaming girl descending the stairs.  



What Time was that Meeting?

I have a feeling that I did not make the most of a caption for this picture.  Since I frequently walk this area during lunch time and need to be conscious of my schedule, I thought this title fit.  But, I think there is something better out there.  Feel free to contribute a caption.  

What Time was that Meeting?


Foley Square

I liked the lines and the angles from this view of the court at Foley Square.  As I later worked my way around the public space here, I saw that they were setting up a scene to be shot for a television series.  The woman in black atop the steps was actually a production assistant and all the others were extras.  

Foley Square


Fifth Avenue Fjord

When looking south, the buildings on either side of Fifth Avenue create a cavern that opens up near the Empire State Building.  This particular area has older rounded buildings on the left (which is the east side) and symmetrical newer buildings to the right (that's west).  To me, the high walls and narrow opening reminds me a bit of a fjord.  

Fifth Avenue Fjord


Fly on the Wall

I was in the middle of a conference call (a boring conference call) and noticed this fly on the outside of the window.  I thought I was on mute when I snapped the shutter.  But, the others on the call heard the click.  As for the fly, I wonder made the fly want to make his way up to 32 floors above the ground.  

Fly on the Wall


Behind Bar

Outside the "Tombs" the Manhattan detention center, a jail right in the middle of downtown Manhattan, was this bus that transports prisoners.  While it was a sunny day, this woman came by from the direction of Chinatown with a umbrella acting as a parasol.  Her face hidden behind the "bar" of the umbrella.  

Behind Bar


Leaping for Love

Well, this wasn't my setup, but I did observe across the square this landmark event (for this couple anyway).  The location is near the spot where people get married at "City Hall" (although it's not actually at City Hall).  I was quite impressed by the height of the bride's jump.  

Leaping for Love



Rat Pack

A gang of businessmen at lunch time.  Although, it gives a feel of the Rat Pack... 


Rat Pack


Deal with the Devil

These two guys were totally disconnected as the businessman simply walked on by the construction worker.  But there's something about this instant that just seemed to me a little bit "Damn Yankees".  Lured by the promise of a reward, would he trade his eternal soul to attain it?

Deal with the Devil


The Tressel Above

I was attracted to dripping water highlighted by bright light.  But, I was unsuccessful isolating what I saw in the real world.  But, I did like the juxtaposition of the legs and the cross beams here below the tressel.  

The Tressel Above



The reason the water towers are on roofs is the power of Gravity.
