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The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet. 

Entries in Flickr (3)


Hot Dog Fetch

So, below is my photo "Hot Dog Fetch" taken a few years ago.  It's a somewhat charming picture that was made with a little bit of luck.  And, it's received a reasonable amount of views on my Flickr page since originally posted.       

Hot Dog Fetch

In the last few months, however, I've noticed that it was getting a LOT more traffic.  No doubt there has been adjustment in the way Flickr handles its statistics since my view count has gone up astronomically.  It might also be that their iPhone app makes it easier to view many pictures at once.  But besides that, I noticed that Flickr statistics report some interesting searches that have also driven up the count on this particular picture.  

For instance, the most popular search term among my hits pretty much every day is the word "Hot".  (I suspect this is also a top hit across all of Flickr.  I'm sure people are just searching for some type of photograph that conveys heat.  But the word can be used in many ways.  So, what do you know, that is one of the words in "Hot" Dog.   That's a hit.  

The second most frequent word that is reported in my feed is the word "Dog".  A lot of canine lovers out there.  And, that word doubles the hit on the title "Hot Dog" Fetch.  

So, as you can imagine, I'm very appreciative that people are searching for my art and finding it so effectively.  


Rainy Corner


Rainy Corner
Originally uploaded by John Fraissinet

There are a couple of elements that I find interesting about this picture which makes it one of my new favorites.


Besides, the brightness of the light blue umbrella and the red Don't Walk sign, there is a surrealistic feel to it. I shot it with a slow shutter speed because it was dark, and this added to the blur of the image. But, you can see that the building and signs are sharp, so the motion is from street activity and not camera shake.

I find the "characters" in the picture are also expressive. The main somber woman with the blue umbrella. The elderly couple to the right who have come from shopping (and the rolled up newspaper or something in his back pocket). The center umbrella creates a triad of focal points above those two sets of characters. And, the rush of the figure approaching on the left adds a bit of clutter and dynamic.

When I took the picture, I was attracted to the light blue umbrella. Like most of my pictures, the core was not planned but was discovered after I got to review it.


Times Square Snow


Times Square Snow
Originally uploaded by jfraissi

The Flickr photography site monitors how many "Views" individual pictures get from their community and assorted search engines. It's interesting to see what attracts the most interest.


After a year, this shot of Times Square has finally taken over the number one spot from one titled "Financial District People". Undoubtedly the jump in traffic at this time is due to seasonal searches.

There was originally a color shot, but there is something about a colorless Times Square that makes the shot unusual.