Times Square night

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The New York City Mayor de Blasio published his plan for dealing with the traffic in New York City. Here's my photo "Organized Chaos" also called "Crossroads" on the cover of the Manhattan report. If you want to catch up on your traffic planning, here's a link to the full report.
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This photo is simply a view from the steps of the new TKTS booth in Times Square looking south with a longish lens. As chaotic as this photo looks (I was thinking of inserting a game of Where's Waldo in here), there is a certain order to the way things are laid out.
Certainly on the street level, it is not nearly as crowded as this looks. But, it was evening rush hour and a bit busy. I do notice that it is primarily cabs heading through Times Square at this hour. In another shot, there were a few trucks, and buses. But, here I informally counted 17 cabs in this shot. The yellow path of cabs kind of adds a nice separation between the groups of people.
I spent a good amount of time watching the zipper sign move by and would try and freeze certain words that might be symbolic or important. I got a few shots with the words "information", "heist", "trusted", "general" featured. But, in this case, we have "News" centering (which seems rather appropriate).
There is one person who I would consider a focal point within the shot, the guy in the blue sweater in the front is probably best posed. His name is Waldo perhaps.
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The Flickr photography site monitors how many "Views" individual pictures get from their community and assorted search engines. It's interesting to see what attracts the most interest.
After a year, this shot of Times Square has finally taken over the number one spot from one titled "Financial District People". Undoubtedly the jump in traffic at this time is due to seasonal searches.
There was originally a color shot, but there is something about a colorless Times Square that makes the shot unusual.
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