Rink with a View

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For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
StreetObservations.com - Another year, another batch of my photos and again I will select those pictures that I consider the Top 10 of the year. I thought I had the selection completed very quickly, and then I realized I had left off my one major trip of the year (a cruise to the Bahamas) since it was in a separate picture catalog. So, I had to rethink some of what I had done, and two of those shots are included here. I would categorize them all as Street Photography, although one is taken on a beach.
This is the eighth year that I've done this selection exercise (that would go back to 2005), although certainly I took many photos during the prior years as well, I just didn't do the annual review.
I did add a new camera in the middle of the year - the Sony NEX-7 - which is a small mirrorless device. This let me shoot from a low angle with its tiltable viewfinder, and at lower light since the ISO could go much higher with less noise. Also, using the new version of Lightroom (v4.x), its ability to cleanup night shots improved significantly. Because the NEX-7 is so small, I was able to bring it with me more frequently. This translated into fewer iPhone pictures than last year, since in the past I would more frequently have only that camera phone on my person.
I continue to post to multiple online sites, and did try to increase the frequency of my posts here to StreetObservations.com. Individual shots now go up on Google+, Flickr, and Facebook almost daily during the week, with more background and photo sequences here in this blog (StreetObservations.com).
So, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year. (Click each picture to see it larger). Some of the photos have been previously discussed in the StreetObservations.com blog. Clicking (More...) when you see it will take you back to those background entries.
1. Dorothy in Tickertape Land - The New York Giants happened to win the Super Bowl in 2012 (not much we can say about them this year though). With the victory go the trappings of a tickertape parade. The second that I've observed. The first was for the Giants in 2008 and then the Yankees had one in 2009. After the parade was done, I focused on various angles of the shredded paper and saw this girl desending the steps. Looks to be Dorothy, I would say. (more...)
2. Juxtaposition - This is one from my cruise taken from the top deck of the Norwegian Jewel. Departing down the Hudson River provides a fascinating view of the city from an elevated vantage point (even if it's freakin... freezing out). (more...)
3. The Supervisor - Another one added from the cruise, once I got to the cruise line's private island. Fantastic place to be in February. There is our ship to the rear. It did rain a little bit later that day. (more...)
4. Zebra Cross - I saw the leggings first. To a street photographer, I had no other desire at that moment than to catch her in the crosswalk. I bagged my prey.
5. Waiting Room - It was suggested to me that I make the trip across the river to Hoboken and take some shots when the light was just right. I found the vintage train station, and found the light to be just right. (more...)
6. Alone with his Music - Also in Hoboken that day, I grabbed this shot.
7. Beyond the Railing - I occasionally take a long walk at lunch time along the Hudson River promenade. On one somewhat foggy rainy day I found this silhouette.
8. Fluting on a Sunday - On a day trip down to Philadelphia, this dapper gentleman played "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" over and over. This picture is also called "Filbert and Twelfth".
9. Soho Perch - Another neighborhood destination trip took me up to Soho. I found a gorgeous brick wall, and found a great amount of activity on Prince Street with worthwhile subjects. (more...)
10. City Hall Newsstand - One of the night shots taken around Halloween. I love this shot. (more...)
Those are the Top 10 photos for this year. For reference, my previous selections go back six years and can be found here: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,2006, and 2005.
If you'd like to follow my work this year, either subscribe to my StreetObservations.com blog, add me to a circle on Google+, or bookmark my Flickr page.
I'm also working on a book of street photographs that will present the best photos I've taken over the years including this year's batch.
I think it's going to be another great year.
Happy New Year!
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.