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The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet. 

Entries in Top 10 (7)


Top 10 Photographs of 2016 - John Fraissinet - OK, yet again, and for the twelfth year (since 2005 is another way to put it), here I present the Top 10 pictures I've taken during the past year.  

This year, there are actually eleven pictures, but that is only because two of them were taken of the same subject at the same time.  So, let's just say those were two for the price of one.  Usually I have a lot of black and white shots in the Top 10 (although they are always taken in color).  But this year, I have discovered that a majority of them were left in color, as I guess it was a colorful year.     

Usually some of the pictures come from a destination trip, but this year there was no location of consequence that generated a remarkable picture (hopefully the upcoming visit to Hawaii in February will remedy that).  So, in the end, we have 10 (err... 11) shots taken on the streets of Manhattan, all pretty much in the downtown neighborhoods near my work.  

So, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year.  (Click each picture to see it larger). 

1.  Bright Winter (February 5) - Brilliant but harsh light streams from the south causing long shadows along Nassau Street next to the Federal Reserve building.      

Bright Winter
2.  Ember (April 7) - From the overhead window in a Duane Reade pharmacy we look over the historic Trinity Church cemetery.  Alexander Hamilton is buried on the other side of the church.  The girl in red is the flame in the dampness. 
3.  Purple Rain (May 3) - It was less than two weeks past the death of the Artist formerly known as Prince.  The combination of the umbrella and the water reflection brought the title of his song, Purple Rain, to mind. 

Purple Rain
4.  The Fantastic Four (June 14) - Doesn't this group look like a band of super heroes?  Powered by their super cell phones. 

The Fantastic Four
5.  Thumbs Up (June 28th) - The new Oculus train station opened as part of my daily commute.  As section by section of the station was uncovered, the marble shapes presented some geometric designs to photograph from different levels.  Here we see commuters descending into the main hall. I was looking for patterns of people, but found this sign of positivity.

Thumbs Up
6.  97 Degrees (July 22) - This was one very hot day.  I was up on the NYU campus, and I was doing paperwork to become an Adjunct Instructor so I could teach an online course.  (But, not enough students signed up, so the class never happened).   But the trip was worthwhile and brought me the next two pictures.  Here is a timeless shot in Washington Square Park. 

97 Degrees
7.  The Birdman of Washington Square (July 22) - Then across the square, I came across the Birdman.  I had posted a different version at the time (that one was in black and white).  The Birdman worked hard to attract his winged friends he does feed them.  Also, he did not mind at all that people were photographing him. 

The Birdman of Washington Square
8.  Hugging it Out (September 16) - I was taking some pictures of the cube, and these two came along.  Last year I had another cube shot.  Well, it is across the street from my work place. 

Hugging It Out
9.  Politicians, Hot Dogs, a Model and an Anchor (September 29) - Four years ago during the last presidential campaign, I took a picture of some windows, and later found there was an Obama campaign poster rather obscurely located in one of the windows.  It kind of captured the period of time then.  This picture is a grouping of disparate objects including campaign posters capturing another period of time.  The model in red was being filmed by another photographer in a formal shoot.  I just like the randomness of all the items contained in the one picture. 

Politicians, Hot Dogs, a Model and an Anchor
10.  Living on the Edge (November 29) - Here are the two pictures that really count as one, but both would be on the list standing on their own if not for the other.  Just last month, a driving hard rain created a sharp contrast between the darkness and dreariness of the street against the bright inside of the new World Trade Center malls.  The shots are different but are really part of the set. 

Living on the Edge
11.  Against the Wind (November 29) - Here's the second shot, and my favorite shot for the year. 

Against the Wind

So, those are the Top 10 photos for this year.  You can see my selections from some of the prior years here: 201520142013201220112010, and 2009.   

As far as my regular activity, if you'd like to follow my work, I continue to post to multiple online sites, FlickrFacebookTumblr and Instagram.  And, for more background about each picture, in this blog (   

A good presentation of my portfolio is available at Smugmug.  There you can even Buy a Photo if you are so inclined (maybe one of these ones).  If you don't see the one you like, let me know and I'll make it available.  And, if you would like to engage me in any paid photo sessions (point of view, headshots, weddings, publicity work), I'd be glad to work with you.     

Happy New Years, and  I am visualizing a fantastic year ahead for everyone.  


Top Ten Photographs of 2015 - John Fraissinet - For the eleventh year (since 2005 if you do the match), I present my Top 10 pictures taken during the past year.  

This year, there are five black and white and five color photos (although one of the color pictures is all gray and looks black and white so I'm not sure how to classify that).    

Seven pictures were taken, as usual, on the streets of Manhattan and three were taken at sea during a cruise to Alaska.  Five are people shots.  That's all of the classification I'll do.  No shots are ever posed by me for this collection, of course.  

So, anyway, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year.  (Click each picture to see it larger). 

1.  Suspended Animation (January 20) - Construction continues on the World Trade Center site.  Cranes move workers into hard to reach places.  In this case, the arm of the crane extends over Church Street and near the work on the spikes of the new Transportation Center.      

Suspended Animation

2.  Careful Steps (February 2) - This is just a few blocks from Wall Street and the Stock Exchange.  I often am amazed by the variety of people who must live in this area.  You can see people walking their dogs and people who no longer need to work.  This is where they choose to live, even when the weather is bad.  

Careful Steps

3.  Cobblehome (March 9) - Snow was still on the ground come March.  And, the puddles reflect back the glow off the buildings of Spring just around the corner.  


4.  Eskimo Kiss (March 20) - Snow was still falling in late March but only occasionally.  I was in the crowd enjoying the large snowflakes when this couple made their rendez-vous just outside of the PATH train station.

Eskimo Kiss

5.  Free as the Wind (June 8) - Clearly the weather turned for the better when June came around.  The freshness of the air inspired this girl as she crossed Park Place not far from City Hall.  

Free As The Wind

6.  Twin Glaciers (August 17) - This is the first of three pictures taken up north on a trip to Alaska.  This day the ship went through the Tracy Arm Fjord in the early morning.  Watching from a balcony just off my stateroom, I took picture after picture of mountains shrouded in mist.  I didn't think a ship could get this close to glaciers and I had visions of the Titanic.  

The Glacier Twins

7.  Whopper of a Whale (August 17) - Little did we know how rare it was to see Whales breaching like this.  We also saw the Humpbacks bubble feeding.  Our guide, who had lived in Alaska for 15 years, said he only saw that happen twice in all that time.  

Whopper of a Whale

8.  Sailing to Dusk (August 20) - As the sun went down on the last day of our Alaska cruise, we had stopped for the day in Victoria, Canada.  It was a beautiful day, and as we watched the sky turn colors, the sailboats took one last turn before coming back to shore.  

Sailing to Dusk

9.  Film Noir (September 25) - This couple basked in the sunlight, as the strong rays outlined their relationship with strong shadows.  

Film Noir

10.  Roll of the Dice (October 7) - The plaza was generally free of people as this restaurant worker crossed with his red apron matching the red cube.  

Roll of the Dice

Those are the Top 10 photos for this year.  You can see my selections from some of the prior years here:  20142013201220112010, and 2009.   Also, if you look back on the blog over the year, you will see some new pictures and little details about how they came to be.

As far as my regular activity, if you'd like to follow my work, I continue to post to multiple online sites, Google+Flickr, FacebookTumblr and Instagram.  And, for more background about each picture, in this blog (   

A good presentation of my portfolio is available at Smugmug.  There you can even Buy a Photo if you are so inclined.  If you don't see the one you like, let me know and I'll make it available.   

Happy New Years, and  I am visualizing a fantastic year ahead for everyone.  


Top Ten Photographs of 2014 - Now, for the tenth year (since 2005), I present my Top 10 pictures taken during the past year.  

This year, there are six black and white and four color photos.  Although I shoot them all in color, in most cases, I will convert pictures to black and white unless there is something special about the color.  

All pictures were taken on the streets of Manhattan, nine in downtown NYC, my regular zone.  Four are people shots, the others more composition-oriented.  No shots are ever posed by me.  

So, anyway, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year.  (Click each picture to see it larger). 

1.  Goons Approaching (January 15) - I was focused on the pose of the girl against the stone wall.  An innocent enough scene.  But, the appearance of businessmen can be ominous when they travel in packs.  Perhaps a group of politicians?    

Goons Approaching

 2.  Cutting Out (March 21) - This park off Water Street is interesting on a dull day, but the light was right and the flow of the skirt caught my attention.   I just noticed there is a reflection of the tree in the cutout piece.  

Cutting Out

 3.  Crack of Light  (April 9) - My initial title for this was "Sliver of Light"  but that name had been previously used in another post.  So, crack of light is good for this one.   

Crack of Light

4.  Twister  (May 20) - I spotted them first from the rear as they sat in the crowd at Bryant Park.  A bit like they were playing Twister.  She seems pretty cool considering what she has on her lap.


 5.  Man of Color (May 28) - I noticed the red socks first.  Then the green papers.  Then the blue tie... this was one that needed to be in color.    

Man of Color

 6.  Envisioning (June 3) - I sat across and could not believe I had such a photo opportunity.  Someone suggested I posed this, I am hardly so clever.  


 7.  The Birds (July 21) I pass this light every day, but there were never any birds on it.  This day there were, including the king bird at the top of the post.   

The Birds

 8.  Booby Trapped (August 1) - So, this "sculpture", the hammock for this guy, is actually supposed to be a set of eyeballs.   But more than one person has told me that they look like something else.  

Booby Trapped

9.  Corner Wall Street -(October 23) - It was a really crummy day... cold and damp.  Wall Street is usually crowded with tourists, but this day the number was sparse.  I always like the steam and I parked myself under the scaffold protected from the rain.     

Corner Wall Street

10.  Time Travel (October 29) - Sometimes in the modern world there is a flashback to another time.  This reminds me of my father commuting on the train during his working days.  I remember being fascinated when he told me that the subway was in a tunnel underneath the ground.  What do you see out the windows?  Mostly nothing was his answer.  Now I understand.

Time Travel

 Those are the Top 10 photos for this year.  You can see my selections from prior years here:   2013201220112010200920082007,2006, and 2005.   

As far as my regular activity, I have started posting pictures to Tumblr and Instagram.  And, continue to post to multiple online sites, Google+Flickr, and Facebook almost daily during the week, with more background and photo sequences here in this blog (   

If you would like to Buy a Photo, a good assortment is available at Smugmug.  

I'm also continuing to work on a book of street photographs.  I realize I first mentioned that over two years ago, so I am a bit embarassed, but I have printed two drafts.  It is close to being the final product.   

Happy New Years, and  I am visualizing a fantastic year ahead for everyone.  


Top Ten Photographs of 2013 - Now, for the ninth year in a row (since 2005 if you do the math, which I just did)... I present those pictures that I consider the Top 10 that I took during the course of the year 2013.  

The selection this year was not as difficult as in prior years.  My finalists immediately numbered 11 and I asked for the opinion of my wife.  She pointed out that one of the pictures, taken on a cross country trip from a car window, wasn't of my usual style.  Very correct, so that one was eliminated.  (I will post those cross country pictures soon so you can judge for yourself).  

All but one of the pictures were taken on the streets in downtown NYC, my regular zone.  Three are people shots, the others more composition-oriented.  

So, anyway, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year. (Click each picture to see it larger). 

1.  Rink with a View - I had no idea there was an ice skating rink down at the tip of the island overlooking the Statue of Liberty.  When I stumbled upon it, I was lucky enough to find this group of women so well organized.  

Rink with a View

2.  Enter Here - I had a long walk back from an evening social event on a rainy evening.  Looking to the right as I walked down Fifth Avenue I spotted the neon "Park" sign.  I parked myself and shot this.

Enter Here

3.  Rockette Dreams - This one was a gift. I thought it was a nice composition with the man sitting alone on the benches. Then, suddenly he his kick dance.   

Rockette Dreams

4.  Headlock Three - I was walking north on Broadway when I came across this couple in an interesting headlock position.  (more...)

Headlock Three

5.  Escape Clause - These gentlemen were talking for some time up on the fire escape of this building.  Seems like they were working out some deal as they were reviewing paperwork.  

Escape Clause

6.  The Story - These women were at about the same location as #4 (Headlock Three)

The Story

7.  Do Not Cross - I was focused on the composition of the barriers against the brick wall.  Having someone walk by and parallel the A-Frame pieces was just darn luck.   

Do Not Cross

8.  His Bridge to Brooklyn - This one reminds me a little bit of the publicity shot for the Woody Allen movie "Manhattan".  

His Bridge to Brooklyn

9.  Vanity - I spotted this proud pigeon by the Millenium Hotel.    (more...)


10.  Awe - Just across the street from One World Trade Center, the largest building in the US.  


Those are the Top 10 photos for this year.  For reference, my previous selections can be found here: 201220112010200920082007,2006, and 2005.   

As far as my regular activity, I continue to post to multiple online sites, and did increase the frequency of my posts here to  Individual shots continue now to go up on Google+Flickr, and Facebook almost daily during the week, with more background and photo sequences here in this blog (   I must confess, it's harder to get a good assortment of shots in the winter, there are less people out to photograph (and I get cold, you see, so I'm not out as much).  So, during the winter, I do sometimes go to the archive with shots I did not post previously.  

I'm also continuing to be working on a book of street photographs that will present the best photos I've taken over the years including some from this year's batch.  I realize I mentioned that last January in last year's post, so I may be full of it.  But, I think I am close to a final draft.  Sure. 

I think it's going to be yet another great year.  

Happy New Year (plus 20 days)!


Top Ten Photographs of 2012 - Another year, another batch of my photos and again I will select those pictures that I consider the Top 10 of the year.  I thought I had the selection completed very quickly, and then I realized I had left off my one major trip of the year (a cruise to the Bahamas) since it was in a separate picture catalog.  So, I had to rethink some of what I had done, and two of those shots are included here.   I would categorize them all as Street Photography, although one is taken on a beach. 

This is the eighth year that I've done this selection exercise (that would go back to 2005), although certainly I took many photos during the prior years as well, I just didn't do the annual review.  

I did add a new camera in the middle of the year - the Sony NEX-7 - which is a small mirrorless device. This let me shoot from a low angle with its tiltable viewfinder, and at lower light since the ISO could go much higher with less noise.   Also, using the new version of Lightroom (v4.x), its ability to cleanup night shots improved significantly.  Because the NEX-7 is so small, I was able to bring it with me more frequently.  This translated into fewer iPhone pictures than last year, since in the past I would more frequently have only that camera phone on my person.  

I continue to post to multiple online sites, and did try to increase the frequency of my posts here to  Individual shots now go up on Google+Flickr, and Facebook almost daily during the week, with more background and photo sequences here in this blog (   

So, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year. (Click each picture to see it larger). Some of the photos have been previously discussed in the blog. Clicking (More...) when you see it will take you back to those background entries.

1.  Dorothy in Tickertape Land - The New York Giants happened to win the Super Bowl in 2012 (not much we can say about them this year though).  With the victory go the trappings of a tickertape parade.  The second that I've observed.  The first was for the Giants in 2008 and then the Yankees had one in 2009.  After the parade was done, I focused on various angles of the shredded paper and saw this girl desending the steps.  Looks to be Dorothy, I would say.  (more...)

Dorothy in Tickertape Land

2.  Juxtaposition - This is one from my cruise taken from the top deck of the Norwegian Jewel.  Departing down the Hudson River provides a fascinating view of the city from an elevated vantage point (even if it's freakin... freezing out).   (more...)


3.  The Supervisor - Another one added from the cruise, once I got to the cruise line's private island.  Fantastic place to be in February.  There is our ship to the rear.  It did rain a little bit later that day.  (more...)

The Supervisor

4.  Zebra Cross - I saw the leggings first.  To a street photographer, I had no other desire at that moment than to catch her in the crosswalk.  I bagged my prey.  

Zebra Cross

5.  Waiting Room - It was suggested to me that I make the trip across the river to Hoboken and take some shots when the light was just right.  I found the vintage train station, and found the light to be just right.  (more...)

Waiting Room

6. Alone with his Music - Also in Hoboken that day, I grabbed this shot.  

Alone with his Music

7. Beyond the Railing - I occasionally take a long walk at lunch time along the Hudson River promenade.  On one somewhat foggy rainy day I found this silhouette.   

Beyond the Railing

8.  Fluting on a Sunday - On a day trip down to Philadelphia, this dapper gentleman played "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" over and over.  This picture is also called "Filbert and Twelfth".  

Fluting on a Sunday

9. Soho Perch - Another neighborhood destination trip took me up to Soho.  I found a gorgeous brick wall, and found a great amount of activity on Prince Street with worthwhile subjects.  (more...)

Soho Perch

10. City Hall Newsstand - One of the night shots taken around Halloween.  I love this shot.  (more...)

City Hall Newsstand

Those are the Top 10 photos for this year.  For reference, my previous selections go back six years and can be found here:  20112010200920082007,2006, and 2005.   

If you'd like to follow my work this year, either subscribe to my blog, add me to a circle on Google+, or bookmark my Flickr page.  

I'm also working on a book of street photographs that will present the best photos I've taken over the years including this year's batch.  

I think it's going to be another great year.  

Happy New Year!


Top 10 Photographs of 2011 - Time for my annual discipline of selecting the Top 10 Photographs I have taken over the course of the year.  In this case, we will select the year 2011 as it is fresh.  As always it is difficult to decide on only 10 shots, I had about 25 finalists as candidates.  And, this year my selection of "descent" shots, ones I've posted somewhere, was over 300.  I am pleased and feel productive this year.

This is the seventh year that I've done this exercise of selection (that would go back to 2005), although certainly I took many photos during the prior years as well, I just didn't do the annual review.  

Like last year, there are two iPhone pictures that have made the cut.  I will point them out below.  Those two pictures would not have been taken without the accessibility of the device.  I saw the subject and then looked for a camera and there the iPhone was.  For Christmas this year (2011), I bought myself the new iPhone 4s.  The camera on the 4s is a major upgrade over my iPhone 3GS, so we will hope there is some added appeal to the pictures for next year.  

While last year I made an effort to travel to a photogenic vacation spot (that was via a cruise from Venice, Italy to Greece).  This year's trip was coincidentally to Venice again (but this time it was Venice Beach, California).  So, there were the sunset shots and some California culture shots you can see in the overall series viewed by the link.  

Also, this year I've embraced using Google+ for my primary online photography posts.  While I still upload my shots to Flickr, the major activity is now over on the Google+ page which has a growing community of photographers.  Also, I've been posting more to Facebook since they upgraded the size to which the pictures are displayed.  

During the year, I was selected to be interviewed in the Streets in Colo(u)r interview on Flickr, where I got an opportunity to discuss how I go about capturing and processing my images.  

So, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year. (Click each picture to see it larger). Some of the photos have been previously discussed in my blog. Clicking (More...) when you see it will take you back to those entries.

1. Reflecting on Rain - This is one of the iPhone shots, taken in Harrison, NJ, a site where there is a lot of construction taking place.  The buildings behind are to be a new residential housing complex and the land in front is a parking lot that is primarily used when the Red Bull soccer team has games at the nearby arena.  I saw the girl coming and rushed to get my iPhone out, and happened to get her in full stride with my only shot.  

Reflecting on Rain

2. Watching a Crumb Disappear - I was up in Greenwich Village and was drawn to the brick background.  The girl was primarily listening on her phone call and occupied herself watching the birds eating some crumbs on the street below.  I like the pose and posture of the girl, also the pink dress is a nice match to the wall behind.

Watching a Crumb Disappear

3. Breakfast Break -  This building at 195 Broadway is a popular spot for the workers who are building the new skyscrapers at the World Trade Center site to sit and have their breakfast.  The columns gave a nice framework for the construction workers.  (More...)   

Breakfast Break

4. To the Light and Beyond - This is an atrium area next to the Federal Reserve building (which is behind).  On another occasion I took a picture from within (where the people are in this shot) and I was told to vacate as photography was not allowed since it is private property.   I did get this shot though before leaving which is an interesting reverse angle.   I also liked that complementary shot and also considered it for the Top 10.  

To the Light and Beyond

5. Caffeine on the Edge - This is the second iPhone shot.  I was taking a coffee break at work and had just finished filling my cup.  As I was reaching for some sugar, I noticed that the cup was positioned right on the edge of the counter and bordering the sink.  The composition really appealed to me and I grabbed my phone and got this shot.  I like photo so much that I framed it and put on the wall of the dining area at home.

Caffeine on the Edge

6. Tentacles - With my new interest in posting pictures to Google+, I became involved with a group of photographers who like to band together and take photographs in groups.  I learned about a photowalk that took place in Greenwich Village.  A number of us took shots of the basketball court on Sixth Avenue and I was pleased with this particular shot of one of the players.  I got a number of other photowalk shots I was pleased with, as I was inspired by the other talented photographers.   


7. Sunset Heartbreaker - Venice Beach, California... I got a number of sunset shots, but this one tells a story.  Whether it is a true story is another matter.

Sunset Heartbreaker

8. Bicyclist - After daylight savings time went away, I found it was just a bit too dark to take stop action street shots during the evening commute.  In this case, I took the opportunity to work on my panning technique.  That's a slow shutter speed while following the subject with the camera.  This bicyclist came out a bit surreal.  I talked about other shots taken at the same time on my StreetObservations blog.  (more...) 


9. The View - This one is a bit personal.  I've written before about the Farmhouse that we used to go to when I was a kid up in the Catskills mountains.    Generally, whenever I returned for a nostalgia visit, the view that I remembered so well as a child was obscured by fog, but for the trip this year everything was crystal clear.  

The View

10. Using Your Weight - I've had a birdseye view of the new construction taking place at the World Trade Center site as my office is directly across the street.  I've posted a number of pictures taken at various times of the action below in my WTC Down Below, 9/11 View and Three Hundred Feet Above the President posts.  The immediate view out of my office of the Hudson River has now been replaced by the skyscraper rising called Four World Trade Center.  Each day I would track the progress and the installation of the windows finally got to the 32nd floor where I sit.  As they placed the large plates of glass, the technique called for the construction worker to hop up and down to pound the glass into place.  I caught him in mid-hop here.  

Using Your Weight

Those are the Top 10 photos for this year.  For reference, my previous selections go back to six years and can be found here:  2010200920082007,2006, and 2005.   

If you'd like to follow my work this year, either subscribe to my blog, add me to a circle on Google+, or bookmark my Flickr page.  I think it's going to be a great year.  

Happy New Year!


Top 10 Photographs of 2010 - Ah, the Top 10 Photographs I've taken in the year 2010, what were they?  I continue my annual exercise of using the extra days off at the end of the year (and then some) to go through all the pictures I've taken from January to December and select my top 10.  Only 10, no more, no less.  This leads to some tough decisions, as I've come to know and admire many of the shots over the course of the year (as well as some of the people in the photos... known or unknown).  But, because I am a disciplined person, somewhat obsessively detailed and stubborn, and because now it's a ritual, I must continue the tradition. 

There are two developments this year in the equipment category.  First off, I have a new wide angle lens (F2.8 17-55mm... for those who care) that has added a broader dimension to some of the photos (particularly #5 and #6 below). I purchased this in preparation for a trip I took in Venice and Greece.  Secondly, there are two shots that were taken with an iPhone.  These are photos I never would have been able to take, because I wouldn't have had a camera with me. 

Here they are presented in sequence as taken over the course of the year. (Click to picture to see it larger). Some of the pictures have been previously discussed in my blog. Clicking (More...) will take you back to those entries.

1. Free Colonial Concert - This is one of the iPhone shots.  I was walking up Wall Street and noticed the "orchestra" at the foot of the George Washington statue.  I rattled off about six shots, but this one captured a sense of irony as the red coats below nonchalantly pass by.  This shot was "short listed" for the EYE'EM awards presented for mobile device photography.  (More...)

Free Colonial Concert

2. Crossroads - This was taken from the steps of the TKTS office in Times Square looking south.  I patiently waited as the news zipper moved along.  I was looking for key words to freeze upon.  I think the word "NEWS" was appropriate.  This picture was included in a slideshow about the "World's Worst Traffic Jams" on the website.  It was selected to represent New York City.   (More...)

Crossroads - Times Square traffic chaos

3. Thirty Years Later - A bus passes and a young woman transitions to her future self (her umbrella does become more stylish as she ages).  A slow shutter speed made the bus blur.  The thought is that this is a comparison of two women at different times in their life.  

Thirty Years Later

4. Crossing with Twins - Another iPhone shot. My wife noticed them as they prepared to cross Sixth Avenue.  It was Fleet Week in New York. 

Cross with Twins - Fleet Week Marine with twin daughters

5. Brooklyn Bound - From the walkway of the Brooklyn Bridge. Someone thought this was an HDR photograph, which is a technical technique that merges multiple photos to even out the light.  But, it was a cloudy day which made everything balanced (not HDR).  I did do some work to bring out the detail in the clouds though. 

Brooklyn Bound - Brooklyn Bridge taxi below the New York City skyline

6. Determined - I was attracted to the corner of the building and the lighting.  I took about 20 pictures of different combinations of people.  The conviction of this guy's walk and the bright color of his shirt made this one memorable.  It was one of my most popular pictures on Flickr this year. 


 7. Gondolier Glimpse - Walking the alleys in Venice.  A quick reaction as the boat passed by under the bridge.  Three shots and this one was just right.   (More...)

Gondolier Glimpse - Venice gondola

8. Venice Alley - Something about the way laundry is hung within alleys brings out the old world feeling in this remote part of Venice. 

Venice Alley

9. Returning Home - On the Greek island of Mykonos, there is a mix of tourists and locals.  Those who are residents live above in the alleys that wind up the hill.  They are generally protected from those who are in for the day.  But, they do come down for shopping.  This woman attracted my eye, and I was pleased with the framing on this. 

 Returning Home - Mykonos woman

10. Beckoning Cafe - Also in Mykonos, I was focused on the tables but got an extra dimension when the two people came into view up the road. 

Beckoning Cafe - Mykonos street photography

For reference, my previous selections go back to five years and can be found here:  200920082007,2006, and 2005.