Top 10 Photographs of 2016 - John Fraissinet - OK, yet again, and for the twelfth year (since 2005 is another way to put it), here I present the Top 10 pictures I've taken during the past year.
This year, there are actually eleven pictures, but that is only because two of them were taken of the same subject at the same time. So, let's just say those were two for the price of one. Usually I have a lot of black and white shots in the Top 10 (although they are always taken in color). But this year, I have discovered that a majority of them were left in color, as I guess it was a colorful year.
Usually some of the pictures come from a destination trip, but this year there was no location of consequence that generated a remarkable picture (hopefully the upcoming visit to Hawaii in February will remedy that). So, in the end, we have 10 (err... 11) shots taken on the streets of Manhattan, all pretty much in the downtown neighborhoods near my work.
So, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year. (Click each picture to see it larger).
1. Bright Winter (February 5) - Brilliant but harsh light streams from the south causing long shadows along Nassau Street next to the Federal Reserve building.
So, those are the Top 10 photos for this year. You can see my selections from some of the prior years here: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009.
As far as my regular activity, if you'd like to follow my work, I continue to post to multiple online sites, Flickr, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram. And, for more background about each picture, in this blog (
A good presentation of my portfolio is available at Smugmug. There you can even Buy a Photo if you are so inclined (maybe one of these ones). If you don't see the one you like, let me know and I'll make it available. And, if you would like to engage me in any paid photo sessions (point of view, headshots, weddings, publicity work), I'd be glad to work with you.
Happy New Years, and I am visualizing a fantastic year ahead for everyone.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.