Top Ten Photographs of 2014 - Now, for the tenth year (since 2005), I present my Top 10 pictures taken during the past year.
This year, there are six black and white and four color photos. Although I shoot them all in color, in most cases, I will convert pictures to black and white unless there is something special about the color.
All pictures were taken on the streets of Manhattan, nine in downtown NYC, my regular zone. Four are people shots, the others more composition-oriented. No shots are ever posed by me.
So, anyway, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year. (Click each picture to see it larger).
1. Goons Approaching (January 15) - I was focused on the pose of the girl against the stone wall. An innocent enough scene. But, the appearance of businessmen can be ominous when they travel in packs. Perhaps a group of politicians?
2. Cutting Out (March 21) - This park off Water Street is interesting on a dull day, but the light was right and the flow of the skirt caught my attention. I just noticed there is a reflection of the tree in the cutout piece.
3. Crack of Light (April 9) - My initial title for this was "Sliver of Light" but that name had been previously used in another post. So, crack of light is good for this one.
4. Twister (May 20) - I spotted them first from the rear as they sat in the crowd at Bryant Park. A bit like they were playing Twister. She seems pretty cool considering what she has on her lap.
5. Man of Color (May 28) - I noticed the red socks first. Then the green papers. Then the blue tie... this was one that needed to be in color.
6. Envisioning (June 3) - I sat across and could not believe I had such a photo opportunity. Someone suggested I posed this, I am hardly so clever.
7. The Birds (July 21) I pass this light every day, but there were never any birds on it. This day there were, including the king bird at the top of the post.
8. Booby Trapped (August 1) - So, this "sculpture", the hammock for this guy, is actually supposed to be a set of eyeballs. But more than one person has told me that they look like something else.
9. Corner Wall Street -(October 23) - It was a really crummy day... cold and damp. Wall Street is usually crowded with tourists, but this day the number was sparse. I always like the steam and I parked myself under the scaffold protected from the rain.
10. Time Travel (October 29) - Sometimes in the modern world there is a flashback to another time. This reminds me of my father commuting on the train during his working days. I remember being fascinated when he told me that the subway was in a tunnel underneath the ground. What do you see out the windows? Mostly nothing was his answer. Now I understand.
Those are the Top 10 photos for this year. You can see my selections from prior years here: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,2006, and 2005.
As far as my regular activity, I have started posting pictures to Tumblr and Instagram. And, continue to post to multiple online sites, Google+, Flickr, and Facebook almost daily during the week, with more background and photo sequences here in this blog (
If you would like to Buy a Photo, a good assortment is available at Smugmug.
I'm also continuing to work on a book of street photographs. I realize I first mentioned that over two years ago, so I am a bit embarassed, but I have printed two drafts. It is close to being the final product.
Happy New Years, and I am visualizing a fantastic year ahead for everyone.
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