Top Ten Photographs of 2013 - Now, for the ninth year in a row (since 2005 if you do the math, which I just did)... I present those pictures that I consider the Top 10 that I took during the course of the year 2013.
The selection this year was not as difficult as in prior years. My finalists immediately numbered 11 and I asked for the opinion of my wife. She pointed out that one of the pictures, taken on a cross country trip from a car window, wasn't of my usual style. Very correct, so that one was eliminated. (I will post those cross country pictures soon so you can judge for yourself).
All but one of the pictures were taken on the streets in downtown NYC, my regular zone. Three are people shots, the others more composition-oriented.
So, anyway, here are the Top 10 presented chronologically as taken over the course of the year. (Click each picture to see it larger).
1. Rink with a View - I had no idea there was an ice skating rink down at the tip of the island overlooking the Statue of Liberty. When I stumbled upon it, I was lucky enough to find this group of women so well organized.
2. Enter Here - I had a long walk back from an evening social event on a rainy evening. Looking to the right as I walked down Fifth Avenue I spotted the neon "Park" sign. I parked myself and shot this.
3. Rockette Dreams - This one was a gift. I thought it was a nice composition with the man sitting alone on the benches. Then, suddenly he his kick dance.
4. Headlock Three - I was walking north on Broadway when I came across this couple in an interesting headlock position. (more...)
5. Escape Clause - These gentlemen were talking for some time up on the fire escape of this building. Seems like they were working out some deal as they were reviewing paperwork.
6. The Story - These women were at about the same location as #4 (Headlock Three)
7. Do Not Cross - I was focused on the composition of the barriers against the brick wall. Having someone walk by and parallel the A-Frame pieces was just darn luck.
8. His Bridge to Brooklyn - This one reminds me a little bit of the publicity shot for the Woody Allen movie "Manhattan".
9. Vanity - I spotted this proud pigeon by the Millenium Hotel. (more...)
10. Awe - Just across the street from One World Trade Center, the largest building in the US.
Those are the Top 10 photos for this year. For reference, my previous selections can be found here: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,2006, and 2005.
As far as my regular activity, I continue to post to multiple online sites, and did increase the frequency of my posts here to Individual shots continue now to go up on Google+, Flickr, and Facebook almost daily during the week, with more background and photo sequences here in this blog ( I must confess, it's harder to get a good assortment of shots in the winter, there are less people out to photograph (and I get cold, you see, so I'm not out as much). So, during the winter, I do sometimes go to the archive with shots I did not post previously.
I'm also continuing to be working on a book of street photographs that will present the best photos I've taken over the years including some from this year's batch. I realize I mentioned that last January in last year's post, so I may be full of it. But, I think I am close to a final draft. Sure.
I think it's going to be yet another great year.
Happy New Year (plus 20 days)!
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