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The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet. 

Entries in train station (3)


Time Travel

Sometimes in the modern world there is a flashback to another time.  This reminds me of my father commuting on the train during his working days.  I remember being fascinated when he told me that the subway was in a tunnel underneath the ground.  What do you see out the windows?  Mostly nothing was his answer.  

Time Travel


Zombies on Commute

The zombies slowly move, as it is their nature, but still they wait in their mindless desire for the next train with its shipment of human flesh.  Yum!

Commute Zombies


Hoboken Train Station

I was advised to check out the Hoboken (New Jersey) train station to capture some shots when the light was just right.  Since I wasn't sure what time that might have been exactly, I went when I could which was at the end of the day near sunset.  Here's what I got.

Train Station

Shoe Shine

Waiting Room

Alone with his Music