Posing with the Bull

At the end of Broadway, at the entrance to Bowling Green Park, there is a bronze statue of a Bull. It symbolizes Wall Street. There was quite a story to how it got there, but mostly now it is a tourist attraction. The shot to the right is a rare look at the bull absent of people. It was cold and wet that day absent of the usual crowds.
There are two standard places that people pose with the bull. One is on the front, and the bold ones climb up to sit on his head. The other location is at the rear of the bull. You see, the bull is anatomically correct. So, posing at the rear brings the private parts of the bull into play, photographically that is.
It seems to me that those who pose in the rear are the most fun loving of the tourists. And, I like to watch them as they enjoy their visit. They smile and smirk and joke.
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Reader Comments (1)
I like your BLOG not only at Oct 16 (Queen Mary 2 visits New York) and Nov 20 (talking about me) - but on many other days too: your writings awaken our memories to the days when we were lucky to spend several weeks in the big apple; observing people making photo-shots at the wallstreet bull - posing near the rear (big balls!)is very funny...