The Auto Bridges

Walking along the East River, there are three bridges right in a row that lead to Brooklyn. When I was in high school, growing up on Long Island, we took a day trip into the city and rode on the Circle Line boat around Manhattan Island. The tour guide said that you could remember the names of the bridges and their sequence because they started with the first initials of a type of car. The bridges are the Brooklyn Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge and the Williamsburgh Bridge. I didn't get it, maybe because I never heard of a BMW car in those days.
On this particularly gloomy day, I found the lack of sun added to the atmosphere. This one looks to the first bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge.
This one looks in the other direction towards the Manhattan Bridge, you can just see a bit of the Williamsburgh beyond. I was asked if I was on a boat when I took this picture, but no, the walkway curved at this point.
Again the Manhattan Bridge, with the a view from above the bench.
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