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The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet. 

Entries in cigarette (4)


Sleeping and Smoking

I was asked by someone who saw this picture, "Did you pose him like that"?   Really?    

Sleeping and Smoking


Smoking Women

It's not quite clear to me why, but I've noticed that the most popular pictures that I've posted on the Flickr site are related to women smoking cigarettes. Yes, there is a style and personality related to these women, but most of these are found by direct search by putting in searches for "Woman" and "Smoking", so they are being specifically sought out. These pictures jump statistically in the "view" statistics, and they have style but they are not necessarily more remarkable than other less "popular" photos.

Click the sideshow and see the ones that have gotten the most attention:


Cigarette swing


Cigarette swing
Originally uploaded by jfraissi

A rainy day around 6pm. I went up some side streets looking for something to shoot and I saw this woman walking purposely. As she walked, she did a full arm swing with her cigarette in hand. I rattled off about ten shots and this one was my favorite. I like the balance between the various levels of umbrellas and the woman looking on (probably looking at me).


Below is a color version of this which is a little less standard.









Originally uploaded by jfraissi

I saw this guy casually standing in front of an office building around 6pm. I rattled off three shots at the cigarette as I approached from behind and this one isolated it best. There was very little color to it, so it worked best in black and white. I worked a little bit on the cigarette itself to make it a little clearer.