
I have glasses that change to sunglasses when outside in the bright sun. During this time of year, when looking towards the sun, I get an incredible glare that makes it difficult to see. Through such a glaze, I spotted this pigeon by the Millenium Hotel. I pointed in the direction of the glare towards some birds. This one amused me as he looks at himself in the reflection of the window. But, I wasn't shooting with any intent.
The picture caught me by surprise when it became popular on Flickr. It hit the appropriate qualifications determined by their secret algorithms to make their Explorer list. It ended up being number 116 out of their daily selection of 500 selected photos. (I only did better once when I got to number 38 with "Crossroads", a shot in Times Square. As for the pigeon picture, I think the title, "Vanity", helped its popularity. It's funny.
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