To Downtown

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For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
I noticed the sign before anything else. Closures continue in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Sometimes maintenance is being done in the off hours and weekends, which means no trains. Where commuters might have neglected these signs in earlier days, they are impactful now.
I decided to just concentrate on the sign and use that for the photographic focal point as people flowed by descending to and emerging from the trains below.
I liked the balance and flow of this picture, the curve of the girl as she swings around along with the single figure of the man on the sidewalk.
This guy is reading one of the free newspapers that are given to commuters. It's not that hard to read and walk at the same time. There are channels of pedestrian traffic that can help guide.
I know this particular headline is talking about the man who was pushed in front of a subway train. A photographer took his picture on the tracks before he was hit and killed. This sparked a debate as to whether the photographer should have (or could have) helped save the guy. There are different interpretations. This guy was a professional photographer working for newspapers and probably it was his instinct to snap something like that. He said he was using his flash to signal to the conductor that someone was down there. He went on news shows to tell his side of the story.
He is a different type of photographer and I will give him the benefit of the doubt. But, even if I was not in a position to help, and my camera was ready, my normal inclination would be to not shoot something like that. I've passed by accidents where people are lying on the ground injured. In those cases, it does seem to me to be an invasion of privacy.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.
I've had some non-traditional commuting patterns in the month after the great hurricane. I don't usually take the subway. So, new environments lead to new types of photos. Here is the 14th Street station. I had to manage the shutter speed to minimize motion, the low light, and the different color temperature.
For the finest StreetObservation photos available for sale, click here.