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The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet. 

Entries in women (2)


Outsider Women

Two shots taken of a small urban park.  The same woman is in both shots.  Seemed a bit odd that only women appear on the outside of the park.  This first one has the girl on the outside seemingly longing to join the party inside.  


Seems that this grouping is all women, as if they are in a playground riding on a merry-go-round.  



The Look

Some of the most interesting interaction between street strangers is when attractive women (or women who think they are attractive) pass by men (who think they themselves are attractive and try to spark something or might just enjoy looking).

One instance previously noted was the "Millionaire's Girl" comment, a rather aggressive method. But, here are a couple of other shots with guys noticing women passing.

1) This is in Foley Square. This woman was strutting for a few blocks and captured the gaze of this guy as she was about to descend into the subway (just out of site, but which he appeared to be guarding).

2) Another one, this woman was getting quite a bit of attention for several blocks after her Starbucks run, but I think the little sideways "hi" here was an interesting unthreatening gesture from a man passing out leaflets for cheap suits.